Ben “Benny Booper” Jackson
Our loving Grand-Nephew Ben Jackson was brutally murdered in Topeka, Kansas on June 13, 2013 by an unknown assassin. Responding to a knock on his apartment door, 24 year-old Ben was shot by a cowardly gunman who after killing Ben, turned and ran away from his dastardly act. Ben leaves behind his beautiful daughter and loving wife.
Ben was a hard working, kind and lovable individual who spent his free time attending to and pouring all of his love and affection upon his daughter. A better parent would be hard to find. He truly was the World’s Best Dad.
While the gunman may think that he has gotten away with his pusillanimous act, it is really he who has traded his humanity for eternal damnation. For no one gets away with murder. While you may be free for now, you have created a prison within your soul in which you can never escape. Eventually you will have to reckon with what you have done and you will pay for your careless and callous disregard for the sacredness of life.
No one has been arrested for Ben’s murder. Here is the link to Ben's story

You will always be remembered and Loved by all who knew you. May God have mercy on your soul. We love you Benny and know that some day we will all be together again.
We need your help! If you have any information at all, no matter how inconsequential you may feel it is, regarding this senseless murder, please call detectives at (785) 368-9400 or leave anonymous tips by calling Crime Stoppers at (785) 234-0007