Diving is one of my many passions and naturally I’d feel naked without a camera in my hands. The underwater world is truly an amazing place to experience and I have been fortunate enough to dive in some of the world's most beautiful and intriguing places.

The Red Sea
Red Sea Sponge and goldfish
Aqaba, Jordan 1998
Peppered moray, Siderea grisea
Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt 2005
Blue spotted stingray, Taeniura lymma
Sharm el Shiekh, Egypt 2005
Red Sea Wrasse, Cheilinus lunulatus
Taba, Egypt 1998
Scorpionfish, Scorpaenidae sp.
Aqaba, Jordan 1998
Big Red Octopus, Octopus cyaneus
Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt 2005
Crocodilefish, Platycephalidae
Red Sea, Egypt 1998

Map Angelfish, Pomacanthus maculosus
Tiran Reef, Egypt 1997
Sea anemone, Whalers Cove, Pt Lobos State Reserve
Nudibranch, Gerstle Cove
Nudibranch, close-up
Lemon Nudibranch
Sea anemone

Starfish close-up

Sea Clown Nudibranch

Sea anemone

Nudibranch egg case

Dead seal


Lunartail Grouper, Variola louti
Aqaba, Jordan 1998

Strawberry anemone

Orange Sea Cucumber

Nudibranch on Red Coral, Aqaba, Jourdan

Stichopus, Sea cucumber
Stichopus end, Sea cucumber
Octopus, Kona, Hawai'i

Crab in seashell